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Card: 1978 TCMA ’41 Brooklyn #21 (Autographed)
Position: C

Player Bio:
"He (Tony Giuliani) was a baseball icon for the state of Minnesota. He liked to tell the story that he broke in with the Browns the same year Joe DiMaggio broke in with the New York Yankees. He said, 'Out of the two of us, one made the Hall of Fame. That's a pretty good percentage.' " - (former) Minnesota Twins Public Relations Director Tom Mee in the Pioneer Press (October 9, 2004)
Angelo John "Tony" Giuliani (November 24, 1912 – October 8, 2004) was an American catcher in Major League Baseball from 1936–41 and 1943. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, he attended Saint Thomas Military Academy and has been selected to its Athletic Hall of Fame. He also attended the University of Saint Thomas and the Catholic University of America.
In 1914, when Angelo was still a toddler, his mother took him to Italy with her when she was informed that her father was dying. World War I broke out in the meantime, and the two were stuck in Italy until the end of the conflict. He returned to his hometown of St. Paul, MN in 1918.
His MLB career (1936-1943), curtailed by injury, consisted of 243 games in seven seasons between 1936 and 1943 with the St. Louis Browns, Washington Senators and Brooklyn Dodgers After his playing career, Giuliani became a scout for the Washington Senators and for the Minnesota Twins until 1987. He signed John Castino, Jim Eisenreich, Kent Hrbek, Tim Laudner, and J.T. Bruett.
In 1961, Angie was put in charge of developing a program to develop youth talent for the Minnesota Twins. This became one of the most distinguished events in the career of this versatile and unselfish performer. According to his son, Tim, as many as 800,000 kids were infected with the baseball bug through Giuliani’s youth camps.
(excerpted from SABR, BR Bullpen, and Wikipedia)

Listen to Larry Baldassaro’s interview with Tony here – or view the Next Stop on the Baseball Italian Style Tour
Angelo is also part of the LA/Brooklyn Dodgers Player Tour – Go to the Next Stop
See all Tony’s baseball cards at TCDB
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